Friday, February 19, 2010

Thank You, Girl Scouts Everywhere

First off: why don't they just print the nutritional value of Girl Scout cookies by the box instead of continuing with this ridiculous charade of serving sizes? It would save me a lot of math.

Punkin took two naps yesterday, each about 30 minutes long. The rest of the time he was in my arms as I paced around the house trying to get him back to sleep. The highlight of the day was when I gave him a bath (because I was tired of walking). He spit up as soon as I got him dressed, it dripped all over his neck, and he was back in the bathtub about five minutes later. Nice.

As a result, my breakfast, lunch, and all snacks, consisted of Girl Scout cookies (Tagalongs) and, oh, a Diet Coke.

This morning I switched to Samoas. I'm about half way through the box and wondering if it's possible that the coconut in them has some kind of weight loss powers. Are people in Hawaii skinnier than here on the mainland?

Which brings me to another moment of inspiration. I'm going to start my own weight loss contest, much like the Biggest Loser. But I don't need a gym. I've decided there is no better way to motivate someone to keep moving than by handing that person a screaming infant and telling her the baby will eventually go to sleep if she paces the floor.

I've done more lunges and squats in an effort to change up the pattern of movement in the past few days than I have in the past year. Want to tone your arms? Accidentally find yourself in a painfully uncomfortable position just as the baby drifts off. Someone could dangle a cashier's check for a million dollars and I still wouldn't break that pose to reach for it (okay, maybe a million, but not a dollar less).

And now, since Punkin is still sleeping, I'm going to get myself a snack... Thin Mints, I think.

God Bless the Girl Scouts.

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