Monday, March 15, 2010

Four year olds could negotiate peace in the Middle East

My four year old still sucks her thumb. Although I'm not too terribly worried about it, my husband and I figured now would be a good time to start working on getting her to stop. We had a conversation about it a few days ago...

"Peach, you're four now. Maybe it's time to think about not sucking your thumb anymore."

"But I want to."

"I know, but since you're a big girl maybe you should just think about it. It really is for babies, right?"

"But I want to."

"Well, I just want you to think about it. Maybe we could come up with a really special treat for you if you stop. Is there something you'd like to do? Something really special?"

"Like, for dessert?"

(giggle) "Well, I had something else in mind. Like, maybe you and I could take a trip to see your cousin, Mimi. What do you think of that?"

"Could I watch a movie on the plane?"

(shrug) "Of course."

"Beauty and the Beast?"

"Yep. But what do you think of going to see Mimi? Is that a good treat for quitting?"

"If I don't stop, can I watch Beauty and the Beast here?"

"Well, yes, but I think we're losing sight of the point... I'm talking about going to visit your favorite person in the world, here! If you stop sucking your thumb, you and I could go take a trip to see Mimi. Does that make you want to quit sucking your thumb?"

"But I can watch Beauty and the Beast here without stopping, right?"

"We'll talk about this later."

"Can I watch it after dinner?"

"If there's time."

"Okay... so what are we having for dessert?"

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